Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015

Hello again everyone,
This will only be a short post today as I only just posted yesterday but I just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year! I hope it will be a great one for you all.
As its New Year I thought I would talk about New Year resolutions… now I love making up New Year resolutions but it’s just so hard to stick to them… I know you guys know what I mean, as you set yourself a resolution to be healthier and three weeks later you’ve given in to the temptations which in my case is chocolate and decided that it was too hard anyway and you’ll try again next year (Yes this is me every year).
So this year I’ve decided to set myself 3 New Year resolutions that I am determined to stick to and they are as followed:
1.       Be less anxious when entering new situations and try to embrace them
2.       Be more positive in everything I do, no more saying “I can’t” and more of saying “I can”
3.       And finally as I talked about above be healthier so not I’m not going to give up things like chocolate and everything else I love but I’m going to try and eat less of unhealthy food and eat more healthily  
So there’s my New Year resolutions (let’s just hope I’ll stick to them this year!)
I’d love to know what your New Year resolutions are or if you have any good tips to help me keep mine if so please leave a comment below.
Talk soon

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